Memories from the Cup...

"The first Windermere Cup was, for me, one of the great moments I've witnessed in sports."

~ Blaine Newnham

"Even the finals of the world championships are not as impressive as this."

~ Andrej Vasiljev

"I don't know squat about rowing. But it didn't take me two weeks to see that rowing was a traditional and very big part of Husky athletics."

~ Mike Lude

"It is really special for me to be back here, because my experience here changed my life. I have raced in different races worldwide, and the Windermere Cup is a special and unique race."

~ Roberto Blando

"Just going through the [Montlake] Cut, the audience can actually influence the race. Their screaming and cheering energizes the athletes, so in the final, where you can win or lose the race and your body is telling you to stop, you now have these other people who can get in your head and tell you to keep going."

~ Jenni Hogan

"There are twelve-, fifteen-year-old kids who probably wouldn't have started rowing at all had they not seen the Windermere Cup."

~ John W. Jacobi

"It is truly one of the finest pieces of crystal Kusak Cut Glass Works has produced in our hundred-year history...It turned out beautifully, and so the trophy was born."

~ Chuck Kusak

"The level of competition Windermere brings here continues to amaze me."

~ Yaz Farooq,

UW Women's Head Coach